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P.E & Sports Premium for Primary Schools



  • We feel that P.E is a real strength here at Kingsfold Primary.  In June 2022, we were awarded our 5th consecutive School Games 'Gold Award'.  This then allowed us to successfully apply for the Platinum Award, through an in-depth case study.  We retained this in July 2024. 




Sports Premium Money Allocation

Back in 2013, building on the London Olympic legacy, the government introduced additional funding to all schools across the country to ensure that PE and sport are at the heart of school life. The funding was an attempt to enhance sporting opportunities for children, and so it can only be spent on improving physical education and sport in schools.  Since 2018, all primary schools with 17 or more pupils have received £16,000, plus a premium of £10 per pupil from Y1-6.  Resultantly, Kingsfold usually receives in excess of £17,000 each year to spend on the improvement of sport and physical education at our school.  We have spent our allocation carefully each year to ensure that its impact is sustainable and that we therefore have a lasting sporting legacy (matched to the key indicators below).


We are extremely proud of our results and are confident that the positive impact is sustainable going forward.  This report documents how we have spent the funding, and how we believe it has impacted the pupils of Kingsfold Primary School. 

(A breakdown of spending can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.)


How has the Sports Premium Funding been spent so far at Kingsfold?

This page aims to outline how we have spent this year’s Sports Premium allocation, and more importantly, how we believe it has affected sport provision at Kingsfold.  The Lancashire P.E scheme and app have now been implemented throughout our school and staff have been sent on all relevant training.  KS1 children now spend two years mastering fundamental movements required for sporting games in later life.  Baseline assessments are taken in Y1.  These children are then re-assessed at the end of Y2.  Most children should be meeting the baseline at this point, they can then progress onto using these skills to play competitive sports throughout KS2.  We then use our Young Leaders (and external coach boosters)  to target any children without these required skills and develop games to play at lunchtime to practise any weaker fundamental movements.  Core Tasks are built into lesson plans at the end of each P.E unit; assessment data can then be tracked via the app.  This data ensures that teachers group children and differentiate lessons in each PE area when sports are revisited.






One of our main aims for P.E. is to offer the children as wide a variety of sporting activities as possible. By making the lessons diverse and varied, we can better target the pupils who perhaps look on P.E. less favourably.  We have therefore ensured that every child and teacher has had access to professional development in PE each year. We view high-quality teaching of PE as being just as important as high-quality teaching in maths and literacy.  We develop our teachers to deliver PE with confidence and to improve their skills in a wide range of sports through sourcing specific training.   We hire a wide range of specialist sports coaches each year to develop our provision of curriculum PE, extra-curricular activities, intra and inter-competition and to help with staff training and team teaching across both key stages.  This obviously also benefits the children being taught as they get to try out plenty of new sports and also opens them up to local club links, meaning that any children showing talent can express themselves out of school time.  We pay for external coaches from the South Ribble School Sports Partnership to come in and teach the children certain sports and physical activities. In addition, we also pay for some of these coaches to run after-school sports clubs, which again adds another element as these are free to attend for the children.  These clubs run in addition to ones offered by our own teaching staff.  Bringing in qualified external coaches is highly beneficial to all involved, the children get to experience lots of different sports which they may otherwise not get a chance to try and it also supports the professional development of the staff.  Coaching is chosen to link to our annual staff skills audit. Examples of unique coaching over recent years include cricket, Yoga and Mindfulness and OAA.  

Each year we also participate in the ‘Dance from the Heart’ scheme, organised by South Ribble Council. Our dance leaders learn an eight-minute dance routine and then teach the routine to the rest of the school. After practising, the Dance from the Heart team – along with the mayor of South Ribble – come into school and film the whole school performing the dance outside on the playground. Over the last few years, we have been treated to a show from ‘BoogieStorm’ dance troupe from Britain’s Got Talent, a juggling circus act (inspired by ‘The Greatest Showman’ movie) and a stunt BMX show!  Another recent theme was 'Space' to commemorate the Moon landings and 100 Years of Disney!  2024 was linked to the Olympics in Paris.  This was a unique opportunity for our KS2 leader pupils who were selected to learn the sports-themed dance, as it gave them the chance to demonstrate their coaching skills to the rest of the school. Every single one of them thrived in this position and they grew in confidence due to their role having responsibility. Also, as a lot of the dance moves were sport-related, boys and girls took part equally.  Once again, the scheme had a really positive effect on everyone involved, not only physically but also mentally.




When available, we also access free KS2 cricket coaching from Lancashire County Cricket  Foundation.  This has been a great link with a professional club and opens up new pathways for children to explore.  This is bi-annual and last ran in the 2023-4 academic year.

We also have active links to Leyland Warriors Rugby Club, KIngsfold F.C and New Longton Crown Green Bowling Club.




 Staff have also been trained in OAA (latest - October 2024) and how to take best advantage of our specially designed 'Enrich Education' course.  These skills can be used right across the curriculum via our subscription to the cross-curricular Enrich website.   OAA takes place throughout our school but is specifically planned into our KS2 curriculum.



We have evidence that our hard work with increasing the number and variety of sports clubs is paying off and is having a real impact. After gauging the opinions of parents and, most importantly, the pupils themselves we always aim to expand our already varied range of after-school sports clubs.  Recent additions have been fencing, archery, kurling, boxing, table tennis, cheerleading and volleyball.  Our participation numbers have risen steadily over the last few years.  From recent feedback, it was identified that Key Stage 1 didn’t have as many options as KS2 when it came to sports clubs.  As a result, we have provided after-school clubs in KS1 multi-skills, football, volleyball, netball, fitness, dance, gymnastics and crazy golf (to name but a few).  We have also engaged the local residents from the sheltered accommodation and provided fun competitions in Tri-Golf and Kurling.  The final half-term (Summer 2) is always spent talking to children who have opted out of clubs so far that academic year and trying to target them with sports they tell us would be of interest to them.  This has helped boost our participation data further over the last 12 months.


2023-24: 66% of KS1 attended at least one extra-curricular club



2023-24:  87% of KS2 attended at least one extra-curricular club.


Inter-Schools Competitions

Following on from club participation, we always try to enter as many competitive KS2 inter-school competitions as we can. Children can get a huge confidence boost from being selected to represent their school, and because of this, we try to offer that opportunity to as many pupils as possible. We regularly participate in a variety of competitions from football and netball to athletics and cricket. These competitions are a great chance for the children to gain a sense of pride, and a feeling of belonging to a team. The inter-schools competitions are also a brilliant learning platform for the children and offer opportunities that often go unnoticed. In the competitive events against other local schools such as the football and netball leagues, they learn how to win with pride yet exhibit modesty; and just as important, they learn how to lose with grace and demonstrate sportsmanship. We use some of our funding to take part in termly KS1 sport festivals and also a Y3/4 competitive cycle.  This readies children for their Y5-6 opportunities and removes any fear that may build up throughout school and prevent them from volunteering in Class 6. Alternatively, inclusion events present opportunities for children who may not otherwise take part in sport, the chance to get physically active in interesting and fun ways. Also, at these events the children are usually put into groups or teams with children from other schools, so this gives them the chance to develop their social skills. These events are offered to children of both KS1 and KS2, meaning that a high percentage of our pupils get to experience them.


2023-24: 91% of KS2 took part in an inter-school tournament.  100 % of children with SEND took part.  Some highlights of the year were: finishing 2nd in the area bowling finals, coming 3rd in the rugby league, our girls' football team finishing 5th in their tournament and our Y3/4 class representing the school at the Blackpool Finals Day. 





Intra-School Competitions

In recent years we have held various intra-school competitions, with every child in the school participating. Firstly, these events are a brilliant opportunity to get all the children active for a day. They also offer the children a chance to try sports that they perhaps hadn’t tried before, and in some cases, children found hidden talents and a genuine interest in the sports.  We have recently added Quidditch to our calendar.

2023-24:  100% of children in both KS1 and 2 have taken part in 6 x half-termly intra-school competitions. 



Young Leaders

We invest annually in ‘Change 4 Life’ training and resources. This programme involves funding a specific member of our welfare staff to attend and facilitate training with our KS2 pupils to deliver playground activities for peers through the ‘Young Leaders’ scheme.  This may be a young person’s first experience of being a leader, and volunteering their own time to benefit others, as well as hopefully helping them develop as an individual. The club aims to engage children not involved in ‘active-play’ to take part in activities using unique resources so that they are working towards their 60 minutes national target of physical exercise each day.  Our Young Leaders are also active in helping organise our annual 'Sports Day.'


Before children leave our school, it is expected that they are able to meet the National Curriculum objectives highlighted below:

Pupils should be taught to:

  1. swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  2. use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
  3. perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations


While two of the outcomes are clearly defined, arguably the most important factor around self-rescue can be interpreted in different ways.

So, Swim England and the STA has worked together to publish a number of skills to provide clarity and consistency for teachers and parents and ensure the desired protective effect is met.

The nine suggested outcomes, which should be completed by pupils in sequence in full reach depth water, are: 

  1. Fall-in entry and recover to surface
  2. Float on the back with minimal movement for 60 seconds without floatation equipment
  3. Rotate from floating on the back to a vertical position
  4. Tread water for 30 seconds
  5. Whilst treading water, signal for help once, by extending one arm above the head and simultaneously shouting for help then returning the arm to the water to continue to tread water
  6. Swim (without floatation equipment) 15m to a floating object, using a recognised personal survival stroke (head up long arm front paddle or lifesaving backstroke)
  7. Retaining the floating object take up the heat escape lessening position/posture for 30 seconds
  8. Form a huddle position as a group for 30 seconds
  9. Swim 15m to exit the water unaided


Our staff will be attending LCC training from 2023 onwards to help support our fully-trained swimming instructor with delivering high-quality swimming lessons for our children.   

Each KS2 class has a full term's swimming each academic year.  We found this to result in better final outcomes, rather than just Year 6 swimming for a full year.  We found that as many of our children do not access any form of swimming outside of school they had previously built up some water fear by this age.  By swimming from Yr 3 onwards this fear has been tackled.  The summer term 'top-up' sessions are attended by any childen in Yr 6 who still need to achieve the above standards. along with focus children from Yr 5 who we feel will benefit.


Following the lack of swimming during the pandemic, water confidence became a focus area for 2022-23.  We changed our swimming rota.  Year 3/4 children swam in Autumn term to build confidence from an early age, then Y5/6 swam in Spring.  Summer term was used for focus children in need of an intensified boost.


  • 68% could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
  • 68% could use a range of strokes effectively.
  • 68% could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.


  • 56% could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
  • 56% could use a range of strokes effectively.
  • 56% could perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations. 

Despite investing in top-up swimming for our Year 6 class, our data dipped this year.   Cohort was affected by mobility within the year (leavers/new comers) and a change in regular swimming instructors.   Swimming will be a focus for us next year. 

Bikeability, Scootsafe & Tots on Tyres

For many years we have offered cycling proficiency to our Year 6’s to give them the necessary skills to keep them safe when riding their bikes. The main reason for this is that as they get towards moving to high school, their independence levels increase and they often begin to use their bikes more. It is our aim to keep them safe so we once again bought into the SSP ‘Bikeability’ scheme, thus ensuring that our pupils are taught about how to stay safe on the roads to a high standard. We also run a mid-year Bike Fixability course, teaching children skills such as how to repair punctures and re-attach a chain.  We also have an afternoon available where Dr Fix visits us and fixes any issues with bikes that could not be fixed at home.  We also lend bikes to children without, so that they can take part.

Year 3 take part in ‘Scootsafe’ which ultimately taught them how to stay safe when using their scooters, whereas Reception class used balance bikes in the ‘Tots on Tyres’ scheme. The aim of this scheme is to encourage cycling at an early age in the hope that this will then continue in later life. As part of our push to improve skills and knowledge regarding road safety, we believe that these four schemes are highly effective. Ultimately, we want to provide as many children as possible with the necessary information to keep them safe when they use their bikes and scooters and by bringing in qualified, experienced instructors we feel we are doing this. The safety of our pupils is paramount so by providing them with a rounded set of skills we aim to keep them from harm when using their bikes, and thus we believe the impact of this programme is immense.  

Transport To Events

When thinking about sport in schools, we generally just consider the events themselves and the equipment used however getting to and from the various sporting competitions is essential. We rely heavily on the funding to pay for mini-buses and coaches to allow us to enter as many inter-schools competitions as possible. We used mini-buses for numerous sporting events this year, meaning that many pupils in various classes got the chance to represent the school in a variety of competitions. Without the funding, it would almost certainly have been impossible to attend so many events.


Overall Impact & Sustainability

As in previous years, we have used our Sports Premium Funding with the aim of creating an exciting and sustainable curriculum for all of our pupils and we believe that we have once again used the funding to great effect. As discussed above, we have spent our allocation in a variety of different areas in an attempt to have the greatest impact and this appears to have been successful. As previously stated, we believe the greatest impact has been on the amount of pupils now choosing to participate in our sports clubs after-school and at lunch time. To keep this sustainable, we have purchased the necessary equipment and have an extremely dedicated team of staff who are committed to providing a wide range of activities after school. In addition to the clubs provided by the SSP and external coaches, our staff ran numerous sports clubs, and are prepared to run clubs in years to come. CPD team-teaching with professional sport-specific coaches has really benefitted our staff’s knowledge across the sporting spectrum.  As previously stated, we always strive to enter as many inter-school events as possible and future years will be no different. We believe that these competitions offer such amazing opportunities to a wide range of pupils and are great for enhancing social skills and self-esteem. We will continue to participate in as many sports events as possible in years to come, ensuring all children have the chance to experience these competitions.  We also use our funding to subsidise a residential Y6 trip to PGL Winmarleigh Hall.  We feel this trip is invaluable in developing teamwork, inner-drive and determination.   Although we are obviously extremely happy with our overall PE provision, we are constantly discussing how we can further improve each year.  




We measure our achievements annually against the nationally recognised ‘School Games’ mark. This is a Government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Schools in England are able to assess themselves across bronze, silver and gold levels of the Mark. Ofsted use the Mark award as part of their inspection framework.  The criteria set is very challenging and focuses on a whole school drive towards P.E (rather than the old system of the same few children going out to represent school numerous times). Our action plans and spending therefore largely reflect targets set by these School Games. We were awarded Bronze in 2014, Silver in 2015 and Gold in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 (2020 and 2021 were suspended due to COVID pandemic although we met the 'holding' criteria).  We achieved our fifth Gold Award in 2022.

We finally completed our journey and achieved the prestigious Platinum Award in July 2022.  For this we had to prove through a case study that we could ‘Demonstrate how you have ensured that you have developed and maintained 60 active minutes across your school.’  For this we discussed a lot of the above information but added in our new active intiatives:

  • Our MUGA - Multi Use Games Area with scheduled sports throughout the week - targeting different ages and genders.
  • Our 'Mile A Day' course, used for afternoon breaktimes.
  • Fitbits bought for each class - children challenged to increase their steps throughout the week to 'beat' their peers.
  • Our outdoor-gym installation.
  • Our FA Girls' football pledge, which included FA coaching for Mr Reid and the selection of a KS2 girl to act as 'Girls' Football Ambassador' and receive external training.  We have had a real drive on girls' participation.  We took part in a world record attempt in March 2024 - the largest girls' football training session ever!
  • Our Gifted and Talented opportunities - for example our 'Dance Leaders' coach the whole school the 'Dance from the Heart' roadshow routine each year.  July 2022 Priory Gifted and Talented Football Day 95 children selected).    Plus many more competitive L2 and L3 tournaments entered through the year - rugby, athletics, football, dodgeball (etc).

We maintained this Award in July 2024 for the second successive time.

Local Community Links:


We try to link ourselves with the wider community wherever possible.  We often allow summer clubs to run their events free of charge on our premises, with Kingsfold children children being given first refusal of places.  We have held a New Age Kurling event, ran by our children, for residents in the sheltered accommodation across the road from our school. This was a great success!  We also ran free Saturday morning football coaching sessions, which has now developed into a feeder link to a Kingsfold FC Under 8s team.   The idea is to follow this team up through the year groups, whilst beginning a new Under 8s team each new season.  This will help engage our children in competitive sport and help with the issues some parents have faced with regards funding/transport.  We have links to a local cricket club and have supported children in their path to playing weekend cricket.

Each year, our Yr 6 children enjoy a free trip to watch Lancashire County Cricket play a league match at Old Trafford, Manchester.  This is a great opportunity for our children to develop a love of competitive sport and also unwind after their SATs!




Please feel free to visit our school Twitter feed or Facebook page for the latest up-to-date P.E activities 



In the gallery below you will see plenty of action shots of recent events held in school!

 Sports Premium Report and spending June 2024.pdfDownload
 Evidencing The Impact of PE and Sport Premium copy.pdfDownload
 Primary PE and SportPremium 5 Key Indicators.pdfDownload
 Sports Premium 2022-23 Key Outcome Indicator.docxDownload
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